Low Laser Neck Massager

Regular price
$459.00 USD
Regular price
$596.00 USD
Sale price
$459.00 USD
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Discover the Low Laser Neck Massager Advantage
Embrace the transformative potential of LED light therapy for your neck's wellness. Our cutting-edge technology triggers a photochemical reaction with red LED light, activating metabolic processes and enhancing cellular functions. This results in improved ribonucleic acid activity, bolstering tissue vitality, and amplifying leukocyte phagocytic capabilities.

Experience the soothing effects of reduced inflammation and accelerated healing for various conditions, from acute injuries to chronic inflammations.

Elevate Cellular Energy
Lumina Pro's red LED light penetrates cell mitochondria, elevating catalase activity and protein synthesis. This translates into heightened cell metabolism, improved blood circulation, and reinforced immune response. As white blood cell phagocytosis surges and superoxide dismutase activity increases, fibroblast stimulation fosters collagen synthesis and expedites cellular restoration.